Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Miles to go...

If these shoes could talk...
So close...
So I am here riding out Hurricane Sandy with the rest of the northeast and realizing that this weather event is coming between me and a goal. I am a little over two measly miles from having run 1,000 miles in my "running lifetime."

Sure that's not much to people who have trained for marathons and regularly run ultras, but for someone who never intended to be serious about running, it is a huge milestone for me. I also had hoped to complete enough miles to finish 400 by the end of this month and 500 by the end of this year. I'm 14 miles away for October and I'm losing.

Suddenly, I don't feel so good about scoffing at the runners who braved the wind and the rain earlier today to get in their mileage. I'll probably be able to grab the two miles on Wednesday for the 1,000, but looks like I'm going to taste defeat for the 400.

The sleep I've lost..
But sometimes you have to sacrifice the great for the good. I've still got two months left of running in this year and even a couple of races to close out the year. I have a greatest hits list of things to be grateful to running for and here is just a few:
The road rash..

  1. Mostly injury free for nearly two years
  2. All the wonderful friends its brought to my life
  3. The beautiful places my feet have taken me
  4. My physical, mental and emotional health
  5. A greater connection with the world around me
What has running done for you? Let me know what you're grateful to running for.

Run on,

-- The Brown-Runner Chick

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